Swank v0.04.04

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(This is a power-point style presentation. Click or press the right-arrow key to proceed to the next slide.)
See also this shorter version (about 2 pages).
The Pyramid Project
The Pyramid Project is a math and science scholar project based on Inteligro Math. It is designed for students 12 and older.
The purpose of the Pyramid Project is to provide an atmosphere where the Characteristics of a Scientist are developed, Truth is sought after and recognized, Logic and reason are developed, and the desire to study Newtonian Math becomes a life-long habit.
- Arithmetic
- add, substract, multiply, divide
- know how to use a calculator for square roots, etc.
- Have an Appropriate Math Text
- Saxon, Math-U-See, Jacobs, Singapore, etc.
Contact Information
John Williams
Class website
4 Inteligros
Inteligro Math is the holistic approach to math and science. Just as a pyramid has 4 cornerstones, so does Inteligro Math. They explain why we need math and science, how to do math and science, and just exactly what math and science is.
- Truth
- Any mathematician or scientist who made a difference in the world was working to seek after and recognize Truth.
- Logic
- Mathematicians or scientists who found answers or posed experiments that benefitted mankind could take ideas to a clear end, using Logic.
- Characteristics of a Scientist
- Every mathematician and scientist, no matter their field, have certain habits and traits in common. These are called the Characteristics of a Scientist, and they can be learned and developed.
- Newtonian Math
- The truth that is discovered or uncovered by probing, interested, excited mathematicians and scientists is the conveyed to the world through their measurements and calculations using the language of mathematics, which is Newtonian Math.
Inteligro Certification
- Mini-Mentee
- Develop habit of teaching others on a weekly basis
- 88 Math Skills Lessons
- daily lessons from their own math textbook
- Habit of 30 minutes reading in Core Book daily
- annotating equations, laws, truths, and principles
- Find 10 patterns
- Ask 10 unique questions, or "I wonder"
- Presentation on mathematician or scientist
- Personal Science Project
- Read and discuss 4 Books
- Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Archimedes and the Door of Science, Flatland
- Creation of original food recipe
- Develop abilities:
- Concentration to follow a line of logic, Gap analysis, Memorize and use Inteligro Method
- Keep Pyramid Project Portfolio
- Read and annotate 7 math documents
- Time: 2 hours / day, 4 times / week
- Content
- Core Book *
- Math Lessons *
- Science Lessons
- Scientist Biographies
- Math Classics
- etc.
* 88 sessions required for Inteligro Certification
- Any math textbook
- Appropriate level for the student
- Someone whom they can tutor in math on a weekly basis
- Buy an Abacus
- Math games
- Teach math lessons
Math Coach
- Someone they can go to for help daily or weekly
- Parent
- Neighbor
- Older sibling
- Student will be learning how to read a math textbook and teach themself
- After third try they are encouraged to contact the math coach
- $25 LEMI Inteligro Certification fee
- Pays LEMI for licence to use the Class.
- $15 Inteligro Portfolio and Document Packet (+ $3.50 shipping and handling)
Trilobyte Field Trip
- Optional
- Must complete Inteligro Certification
- Digging for trilobytes and other fossils
- $125 plus getting there and back
- near Delta
- 3 days, 2 nights
- in tents